Department of Anthropology Faculty

ECU’s faculty covers a wide spectrum of specialization ranging from studies in Eastern North Carolina focusing on archaeology, medical, and migration studies of the area to broader global studies involving applied anthropology, cultural anthropology, the anthropology of religion, gender, economic anthropology, Middle East studies, primate behavior, and human evolution.

Chad MorrisChad T. Morris – Chair

(PhD, Kentucky, 2009)
Office: 224 Flanagan Building
Telephone: 252-328-9435
Interests: Applied Medical Anthropology, Non-communicable Disease, Public Health Promotion, Community Development, Republic of Palau, Access to Health Care

Randy DanielI. Randolph Daniel, Jr. 

(PhD, Chapel Hill, 1994)
Office: 271 Flanagan Building
Telephone: 252-328-9455
Website: Personal ECU Page

Interests: Chipped stone technologies, Cultural adaptations of Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene hunter-gatherers in the Southeast, Public Archaeology

Charlie EwenCharles R. Ewen, THCAS Distinguished Professor, Director – Phelps Archaeology Laboratory

(PhD, Florida, 1987)
Office: 267 Flanagan Building
Telephone: 252-328-9454
Website: Personal ECU Page

Interests: Archaeology, Historical Archaeology, Archaeological methods and theory, Public Archaeology, Southeastern North America and Caribbean

Eric BaileyEric J. Bailey

(PhD, Wayne State University, 1988, MPH, Emory University, 1996)
Office: 209 Flanagan Buildling
Telephone: 252-328-9448
Website: Personal ECU Page

Interests: Applied Medical Anthropology, Public Health, Ethnic Health and Health Disparities, African American Culture, Global Health, and Culturally Competent Health Care Strategies
Joint Appointment with Department of Public Health

B. Blakely BrooksB. Blakely Brooks

(PhD, University of Alabama)
Office: 223 Flanagan Building
Telephone: 252-328-9433
Website: Personal ECU Page

Interests: Applied Medical Anthropology, Cognitive Anthropological Theory and Methods, Social Stress, Peruvian Andean Culture, Cultural Syndromes, Andean Farming Practices

No photo AvailableRobert L. Bunger (Emeritus)

(PhD, Northwestern, 1972)

Interests: Cultural/social Anthropology, Anthropology of Religion, Africa, Oceania, Buddhism

Grace McCaskeyCynthia A. Grace-McCaskey

(PhD, University of South Florida, 2012)
Office: 211 Flanagan Building
Telephone: 252-328-9443
Websites: Personal ECU Page

Interests: Environmental anthropology, Political ecology, marine resource management, traditional ecological knowledge, social-ecological systems, and cooperative resource management and institutions.

No photo AvailableDavid Griffith, Department of Coastal Studies

(PhD, Florida, 1983)
Office: 250 Flanagan Building
Telephone: 252-737-4805
Website: Personal ECU Page

Interests: Economic Anthropology, Labor Studies, Migration, Caribbean

James LoudonJames E. Loudon 

(PhD, University of Colorado, 2009)
Office: 211 Flanagan Building
Telephone: 252-737-1263
Website: Personal ECU Page

Interests: Ethnoprimatology, Stable Isotope Ecology, Eco-toxicology, Parasitology, Primate Nutritional Ecology, The Human-Nonhuman Primate Interface

No photo AvailableHolly F. Mathews (Emeritus)

(PhD, Duke, 1982)
Website: Personal ECU Page

Interests: Psychological Anthropology, Gender Roles, Medical Anthropology, Latin America, Southeast United States

Laura MazowLaura Mazow – Department Director of Undergraduate Studies

(PhD, University of Arizona, 2005)
Office: 207 Flanagan Building
Telephone: 252-328-9432
Website: Personal ECU Page

Interests: Archaeology of the Middle East, archaeology and the Bible, ancient technologies

Kyle McCandlessD. Kyle McCandless – Teaching Instructor

(MA, East Carolina University, 2012)
Interests: Prehistoric Archaeology, Organic Residue Analysis, Digital Pedagogy

Sarah PageSarah Page

(PhD, University of Florida, 2018)
Office: 217 Flanagan Building
Website: Personal ECU Page

Meghan PerryMegan Perry

(PhD, New Mexico, 2002)
Office: 221 Flanagan Building
Telephone: 252-328-9434
Website: Personal ECU Page

Interests: Biological Anthropology, Bioarchaeology, Forensic Anthropology, Near East

Ryan SchachtRyan Schacht – Department Director of Graduate Studies

(PhD, University of California Davis, 2014)
Office: 287 Flanagan Building
Website: Personal ECU Page

Benjamin SaidelBenjamin A. Saidel

(PhD, Harvard University, 1998)
Office: 283 Flanagan Building
Telephone: 252-737-1074
Website: Personal ECU Page

Interests: Ethnoarchaeology, Middle Eastern/Near Eastern Archaeology, Pastoral Populations, Archaeological and Ethnoarchaeological Research on Bedouin Populations

Christopher A. WolfeChristopher A. Wolfe

(PhD, University of Nevada, Reno, 2023)
Office: 215 Flanagan Building
Telephone: 252-328-9445
Website: Personal ECU Page  

Interests: Human Growth and Development, Human Variation, Forensic Anthropology, Virtual and Computational Anthropology, Data Science and Statistics

No photo AvailableLinda D. Wolfe (Emeritus)

(PhD, Oregon, 1976)

Interests: Biological Anthropology, Primate Behavior, Human Evolution, Women’s Studies

Jana MillerJana Miller – Lead Administrative Support Associate

Office: 235 Flanagan Building
Telephone: 252-328-9431

Renee Liang – Administrative Support Associate

Office: 231 Flanagan Building
Telephone: 252-328-9430