Dr. Randolph Daniel Jr

Randy Daniel
(PhD, Chapel Hill, 1994)
Office: 271 Flanagan Building
Telephone: 252-328-9455
E-mail: danieli@ecu.edu

About Me

I am a Professor Emeritus in the anthropology department.  I worked at ECU from 1996 until my retirement in the fall of 2024. That span included a stint as department chair during the last 10 years or so of my tenure in the department. I received my Ph.D. in 1994 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I am also the recipient of the 1999 C.B. Moore Award for Excellence in Archaeology by a Young Scholar in Southeastern Studies by the Lower Mississippi Survey & Peabody Museum, Harvard. My research interests include the archaeology of prehistoric hunter-gatherers in the Southeastern United States, particularly hunter-gatherer adaptations at the end of the last Ice Age. My methodological specializations include stone tool analysis, spatial analysis, and hunter-gatherer settlement systems. Publications related to that research have appeared in three books, several book chapters, and in journals including American Antiquity, Current Research in the Pleistocene, Southeastern Archaeology, and North Carolina Archaeology. I also enjoy public outreach regarding my research. Selected publications related to my research are listed below, some of which include students or former students who are now professional archaeologists.

On a personal note, I’ve been married for some four decades to Becky. We have three (i.e., triplets) adult children. In Darwinian terms, that makes me one of the most productive members of the faculty. All of our children are ECU graduates.

Selected Publications

(* coauthored with student):


Daniel, Jr., I. R. (2021). Time, Typology, and Point Traditions in North Carolina Archaeology: Formative Cultures Reconsidered. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.

Daniel, Jr., I. R. (1998). Hardaway Revisited: Early Archaic Settlement in the Southeast. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.

Daniel, Jr., I. R. & Wisenbaker, M. (1987). Harney Flats: A Florida Paleo-Indian Site. New York: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.

Book Chapters

Daniel, Jr., I. Randolph and Christopher R. Moore. (2022) Recent Developments in Paleoindian and Early Archaic Research in North Carolina. In D. Shane Miller, Ashley M. Smallwood, and Jesse W. Tune. (Ed) The American Southeast at the End of the Ice Age (pp. 139-149). University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.

Daniel, Jr., I. Randolph and Albert C. Goodyear. (2017) Clovis Bands of the Carolinas. In  Joseph A.M. Gingerich (Ed.) In The Eastern Fluted Point Tradition, Volume II (pp. 240-247). University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

Daniel, Jr., I. Randolph & Goodyear, A. C. (2012) Under Review. “North Carolina Clovis”, North American Clovis: Current Perspectives On Technology, Chronology, and Adaptations. Texas A & M Press.

*Daniel, Jr., I. R. & Moore, C. R. (2011). “Current Research into the Paleoindian and Archaic Periods in the North Carolina Coastal Plain”, In Charles R. Ewen, Thomas Whyte, R. P. Stephen Davis, Jr. (Ed.) The Archaeology of North Carolina: Three Archaeological Symposia, (pp. 1-24). North Carolina Archaeological Council Publication Number 30. http://www.rla.unc.edu/NCAC/Publications/NCAC30/index.html

*Moore, C. R. & Daniel, Jr., I. Randolph (2011). “Geoarchaeology and Geochronology of Stratified Aeolian Deposits in the North Carolina Coastal Plain”, In Charles R. Ewen, Thomas Whyte, R. P. Stephen Davis, Jr. (Ed.) North Carolina Archaeology: Three Archaeological Symposia, (pp. 76-119). North Carolina Archaeological Council Publication Number 30. http://www.rla.unc.edu/NCAC/Publications/NCAC30/index.html

Journal Articles

Christopher R. Moore; Larry R. Kimball; Albert C. Goodyear; Mark J. Brooks; I. Randolph Daniel; Allen West; Sean G. Taylor; Kiersten J. Weber; John L. Fagan; Cam M. Walker. (2023). Paleoamerican exploitation of extinct megafauna revealed through immunological blood residue and microwear analysis, North and South Carolina, USA. Scientific Reports. 2023-06-10 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-36617-z

Daniel, Jr., I. R. (2016). Don’t Let Ethics Get in the Way of Doing What’s Right: Three Decades of Working with Collectors in North Carolina. North Carolina Archaeology. 65:1-27.http://www.rla.unc.edu/Publications/NCArch.html

Daniel, Jr., I. R., Moore, C. R., & Caynor, E. C. (2013). Sifting the Sands of Time: Geoarchaeology, Culture Chronology, and Climate Change at Squires Ridge. Southeastern Archaeology 32: 253-270.

*Daniel, Jr., I. R., Seramur, K. C. , Potts, T. L. , & Jorgenson, M. W. (2008). Searching a Sand Dune: Shovel Testing the Barber Creek Site. North Carolina Archaeology 57, 50-77.

*Daniel, Jr., I. R., Moore, W., & Pritchard, J. (2007). Analysis of a Paleoindian Stone Tool Assemblage from the Pasquotank Site (31PK1) in Northeastern North Carolina. Southeastern Archaeology 26, 73-90.

Daniel, Jr., I. R. (2006). Three Fluted Points from the Hardaway Site, North Carolina. North Carolina Archaeology 55, 103-111.

Daniel, Jr., I. R. & A. Goodyear (2006). An Update on the North Carolina Fluted Point Survey. Current Research in the Pleistocene 23, 88-90.

Conference Presentations

Daniel, Jr., I. R. & Goodyear, A. C. (2013). Clovis Macrobands in the Carolinas. Poster presented at the Paleoamerican Odyssey Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Dr. Randolph Daniel Jr with students at field site